Skills & Human Factors – Road2Cyber
Working Group 5
A cyber resilient, informed and gender-inclusive next generation digital Europe, through increased education, skills development, access to trainings and jobs.
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Cybersecurity Awareness Calendar
Contribute towards a cybersecurity capability and capacity-building effort for a cyber resilient next generation (NextGen) digital Europe, through increased education, skills development, access to trainings and jobs, as well as actions on awareness-raising and gender inclusiveness.
Ongoing work
- Cyber ranges / training / operational competences: gathering cyber range providers and end users, showcasing the European cyber range ecosystem and supporting the uptake of cyber ranges and cyber range-enabled services.
- Education: Minimum curricula guidelines for cybersecurity courses for university, higher education and professional training providers, and industry-academia collaboration.
- Skills/HR: Support to HR, skills verification and mapping to training and career paths, contribution to ENISA’s European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF), development of the European HR Community, launch of a dedicated European cybersecurity job platform.
- Awareness/cyber hygiene/gender diversity/human factors: Youth4Cyber, Women4Cyber, awareness calendar, collaboration on awareness campaigns with EU institutions/Agencies, etc., and link with citizens.
Benefits to working group members
- Get free and privileged access to dedicated communities (HR Community, Training Provider Community, Cyber Range Community), platforms (Road2Cyber), events, and projects (e.g. mentorship programmes).
- Provide direct input to ongoing EU education / skills initiatives & policies: EC Cybersecurity Skills Academy & Digital Skills and Jobs Platform, ENISA’s ECSF, EU Pact for Skills, European Skills Agenda, Digital Education Action Plan, EU Digital Wallet, and more.
- Propose national level collaborations and scaling up of initiatives (i.e. Youth4Cyber), national Women4Cyber chapters, etc.
- Shape the definition of ECSO priorities, deliverables, and policy recommendations on skills.
- Network with academic and industry partners.
- Chair WG topics, task forces, and communities, and drive the work and strategy for the WG outputs.
- Organise co-branded events with ECSO and get first priority on sponsorship of high-level events organised by ECSO.
European Cyber Range Community
European Cyber Recruitment Initiative
Almerindo Graziano
Csaba Virág
Paresh Rathod
Working Group Administration
Nina Olesen
ECSO Head of sector
Anne-Sophie Van Vaerenbergh
Manager for Skills & Human Factors
Shared Mailbox
The working group is segmented into the following workstreams:
Training & Cyber Ranges
Chairs: Cyber Ireland, CYBER RANGES, and Talgen
Chairs: CYBER RANGES, NTNU, and Laurea
Skills & Jobs
Chairs: Cyber Ireland, Huawei and RHEA Group
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