
An ECSO Initiative


Unlike many digital awareness initiatives for women, focusing on a wide-ranging ICT sector, our initiative targets the inherently complex cybersecurity field. Going beyond awareness and networking, we aim to develop a concrete agenda to meet the growing demand for cybersecurity professionals in Europe

Mission and Objectives

ECSO gathers a wide range of stakeholders in order to create a harmonised European cyber ecosystem. This spirit of inclusiveness has driven ECSO to consider the role and participation of women in the cybersecurity field which is increasingly becoming an important political, economic and societal challenge. Cybersecurity demands a growing number of leaders and experts able to face today’s challenges.

Despite increased interest in the cybersecurity industry, there is plenty of progress still to be done to attract and retain women in the cybersecurity profession. Concrete actions are needed to attract women to a career in cybersecurity and to address the expected skills shortage both in technical and leadership positions.

With the support of its members and the wider community, ECSO has decided to launch the W4C initiative starting from the top management level to develop solutions and resources for women considering, entering, or re-entering a career in cybersecurity.

By creating an alliance of key women in cyber, Women4Cyber is providing visibility to the concrete actions and achievements of top women in cybersecurity. Women4Cyber itself is already branching out as it is at the source of the creation of its own local/national/pan-regional Chapters all aimed at increasing the role and participation of women in cyber.

Barely two years into existence, Women4Cyber has already created an intricate European network of leaders, experts, professionals, students, etc. that constitute the Women4CyberCommunity. Through the Women4Cyber channels and through the already existing and operational Women4Cyber Chapters, Community members exchange information, business intelligence, find networking opportunities, find or promote courses and training offers relay speaking opportunities, etc. The key focus is to link the outcomes to the relevant policies and strategies at the 

Initiative Contact

To find out more about the initiative, or who these incredible female leaders are, and their insights on why the cybersecurity field needs more women, we invite you to follow Women4Cyber on different platforms:

Finally, we encourage you to spread the word about the initiative by sharing the social media content within your network. Don’t hesitate to spread the following hashtags: #Women4Cyber and #ECSO

Visit our website : 

Initiative Administration

Saskia Brugman Garcia-Abril
Saskia Brugman
Operational Coordinator at the Women4Cyber Foundation
Profile picture
Nina Olesen
ECSO Head of sector
Arnaud de Vibraye
Junior Manager for Skills & Human Factors

eHR4Cyber Segmentation

The Women4Cyber initiative is supported by the Women4Cyber Foundation, a legal entity created as a spin-off to ECSO. the foundation is governed by the W4C Administration Body – the official decision-making body – and the W4C Council – a strategic ad hoc body providing recommendations to the Administration Body in their decision-making.

The W4C Council is composed of more than 35 high-level European female and male leaders from all sectors that gather every six months to discuss the priorities of the W4C initiative.

The list of Women4Cyber Administration Body and Council members list is available here.

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