Trusted Supply Chains

Working Group 1


A stronger and resilient cyber-Europe where trust is established all along the supply chain by reflecting market needs, best practices and challenges. 


Provide methodologies & recommendations to support the development of a trusted supply chain and manage the risks of products and services. This will be achieved by analysing the technical impact of EU legislations and policy initiatives and by fostering cooperation with SDOs, European institutions and agencies. 


  • Identify the challenges of the industry in using standards and certification schemes and in implementing future legislations; identify potential impacts for the market. Propose a roadmap for priorities. 
  • Prepare organisations for and support the implementation of the Cyber Resilience Act: dialogue with the European Commission to inform members via webinars as well as gather intelligence for the EC via surveys to issue recommendations.  
  • Provide guidelines and recommendations to facilitate the understanding and the implementation of European legislations and policy with a special attention to SMEs 
  • Work on and promote the ECSO composition approach for conformity assessment focussing on the technical and operational aspects. 
  • Look into challenges and guidelines for SMEs to facilitate the management of the risk all along the supply chain. 
  • Collaborate with ENISA and build on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)s with CEN-CENELEC and ETSI 
  • Participate to ongoing European projects CERTIFY and COBALT 



  • Take part to formal and informal exchanges with relevant stakeholders and representatives of the EU institutions and industry organisation. 
  • Provide express feedback and direct inputs to European institutions about technical challenges and impacts of EU policies to the market.
  • Access valuable insights on the development of the ever-evolving field of cybersecurity with regard to issues concerning standards, certification schemes and supply chain management. 
  • Shape the definition of ECSO priorities, deliverables, and policy recommendations on standards, certification schemes and supply chain management.  
  • Access peer to peer knowledge and experiences. 
  • Network with other organisations for business opportunities.

WG1 Co-Chairs

Mario Jardim
Schneider Electric
Roland Atoui

Red Alert Labs

Image of Mark Miller.
Mark Miller

WG1 Administration

Profile picture

Roberto Cascella

ECSO Head of sector

Matteo Molé

Manager for Technologies, innovation and trusted supply chain 

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ECSO has positioned itself as a key actor in the European standardisation and certification institutional landscape. Thanks to its constituency and cumulated expertise, it has gained recognition and is frequently solicited by EU Institutions for recommendations and advice.