ECSO’s latest initiative: Cyberhive EUROPE.

The European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) is launching a new initiative, the Cyberhive, globally on 23 November 2023. This platform is the first-ever European marketplace co-created with- and for the European cybersecurity ecosystem, and will offer global accessibility to all Europe-headquartered cybersecurity solution providers, while also being freely accessible to end-users worldwide. Through the Cyberhive, ECSO will connect market players, promote European-made products, and ultimately strengthen the European cybersecurity market as a whole.

While cybersecurity holds a prominent position on the strategic agendas of the European institutions and remains a top priority for companies across Europe today, it is essential to acknowledge that several challenges persist in the adoption, implementation and harmonisation of this critical domain in Europe, especially within the European cybersecurity market. Consequently, ECSO has identified the following pressing challenges while evaluating its current state:

  • Undervalued international recognition of European cybersecurity solutions.
  • Limited resources for international expansion.
  • Fragmented insights into the European cybersecurity industry, often overshadowed by larger markets.
  • A lack of networking platforms within the European cyber industry.

In response, ECSO is set to introduce its newest initiative, the Cyberhive, at global scale on 23 November 2023. The primary aim is to reduce the struggle faced by European cybersecurity providers in obtaining international recognition for their solutions. The Cyberhive will offer a series of functionalities to support its various users facing these problems listed above while also building a trusted European cybersecurity community. In alignment with the vision of an independent and transparent European cybersecurity industry, this initiative will be open to all, thus not requiring an ECSO Membership to enter this digital marketplace.

The Cyberhive aims to enhance the visibility of European cybersecurity solutions and facilitate efficient matchmaking among vendors, end-users, and investors. The Europe-headquartered cybersecurity solution providers will have the opportunity to display their products to a broader international audience, consequently improving their access to both European and global markets. Additionally, end-users and investors will have the chance to explore European-made cybersecurity solutions, which in turn will enhance investments in the European market and promote European-made products. Ultimately, the Cyberhive will bridge the existing gaps within the European market, aid the visibility of European cybersecurity solutions worldwide, and contribute to a stronger European cybersecurity market and a more resilient continent as a whole.

ECSO Members will still benefit from exclusive advantages, including being the first ones to access the marketplace, being visible and recognisable to all users using the new digital marketplace globally, and to be able to make their voices heard on the new platform once all new features are on place and available. ECSO invites its members to stay tuned on more information on their perks in the weeks to come.

In the weeks leading up to the global launch, more information on this new initiative will be released, mainly through a social media campaign on its social media channels LinkedIn and X (previously Twitter), to unveil all its functionalities. ECSO also invites you to scroll to the bottom of its homepage and subscribe to the Newsletter, not to miss any important upcoming information on the hive.

For any questions on the Cyberhive, please do not hesitate to contact Tom Bastiaans at tom.bastiaans(at)    

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