Cybersecurity policy

ECSO’s Commitment to the Policy field: the Cyber Resilience Act Unveiled

On 14 September, ECSO hosted an informative webinar, marking the inaugural event in its ‘SMEs Policy Briefs’ series. The session offered an open and in-depth discussion into the implications of the Cyber Resilience Act for SMEs and explored topics such as IoT devices and future European collaborations in the cybersecurity sector. With valuable contributions from experts offering hands-on insights, along with a strong commitment to strengthen collaboration between policymakers and industry stakeholders, ECSO is relentlessly working to provide added value to its Members.

ECSO plays a crucial role in shaping cybersecurity policy within the European Union with a direct focus on serving SMEs by advocating for their interests, fostering collaboration, and building capacity. By supporting policies that benefit SMEs, ECSO supports its Members through factual policy analyses and discussions that increase their understanding of the current cybersecurity legislative landscape, as exemplified by the Cyber Resilience Act Policy Brief.

Milda Kaklauskaite, Senior Policy Manager at ECSO, set the stage for the event by emphasising ECSO’s primary objective: to ensure that its Members remain well-informed about key policy developments. The ‘SMEs Policy Briefs’ series aligns perfectly with this goal, offering a more comprehensive understanding of significant cybersecurity legislation.

In order to provide such comprehensive insights, ECSO actively engages in talks with policymakers about the next stages in enacting essential policies. ECSO’s Chief Operating Officer, Joanna Swiatkowska, further underscored the organisation’s commitment to facilitating meaningful conversations between industry experts and decision-makers, with a strong focus on improving cybersecurity resilience.

Consequently, the highlight of the discussions centered around cyber resilience, with expert keynote speaker Francesco Bordone, Policy Manager at ECSO, providing a thorough overview of the Cybersecurity Resilience Act. Mr. Bordone emphasised the Act’s importance for SMEs operating in the digital realm, as it provides a comprehensive framework to guide and enhance their cybersecurity practices. ECSO’s advocacy ensures that the interests of its members are well-represented in ongoing dialogues with policymakers.

ECSO’s collaboration with the European Commission provides a unique platform for Members to voice their concerns, which are then consolidated and presented through a Position Paper. ECSO’s efforts aim to raise awareness of the daily challenges faced by SMEs in the cybersecurity landscape, with the ultimate goal of benefiting businesses and cybersecurity service providers while keeping its Members updated and engaged in critical policy discussions.

Looking ahead, two more webinars in the ‘SMEs Policy Briefs’ series are on the horizon: the NIS2 Implementation Initiative on 21 September and the Cyber Solidarity Act webinar on 27 September. These online forums promise to offer deeper insights and opportunities for meaningful engagement, further solidifying ECSO’s role as a vital advocate for cybersecurity in Europe.

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