Technologies, Innovation, and Industry

Working Group 6


A strong, resilient and digitally autonomous European cybersecurity ecosystem with an efficient and secure digital transition of the industry and society. 


Define the cyber security EU R&I roadmap and vision to strengthen and build a resilient EU ecosystem. Analyse the challenges of digitalisation of the society and industrial sectors to sustain EU digital autonomy by developing and fostering trusted technologies. 


  • Define the vision to strengthen the European cybersecurity ecosystem and pursue the Strategic Research and Innovation Roadmap.
  • Gather and animate the European cybersecurity community to identify future research challenges and priorities.  
  • Monitor the future Horizon Europe and Digital Europe Programmes and investment opportunities for R&I. 
  • Publish technical papers to identify challenges and provide recommendations on specific topics: Artificial Intelligence, Secure Software Supply Chain and Quantum Key Distribution. 
  • Work on secure data spaces and collaborate with the Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC) initiative.
  • Coordinate the cybersecurity activities across EU initiatives and contribute to the Transcontinuum initiative, a horizontal collaboration between 8 European associations and projects to develop a common vision and elaborate joint recommendations for R&D.
  • Collaborate with ECMWF by contributing to the project “Strategic Technology Agenda for DestinE“ and produce white papers on the identified cybersecurity challenges with strategic recommendations. 
  • Analyse relevant cyber security technologies for dual use technologies and space. 


  • Take part to formal and informal exchanges with relevant stakeholders and representatives of the EU institutions and industry organisation. 
  • Provide express feedback and direct inputs to European institutions about the strategic vision and R&I priorities. 
  • Access valuable insights on the state of the art of cutting-edge technologies in the field of cybersecurity. 
  • Shape the definition of ECSO priorities, technical papers and recommendations to build a resilient EU ecosystem.  
  • Access peer to peer knowledge and experiences.
  • Network with other organisations in brokerage events for collaboration and getting funding in EU projects.

WG6 Chairs

Fabio Martinelli
CNR – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Fabio Cocurullo
Volkmar Lotz

WG6 Administration

Profile picture

Roberto Cascella

ECSO Head of sector

Matteo Molé

Manager for Technologies, innovation and trusted supply chain 

WG6 Segmentation

The working group is segmented into the following sub-working groups:

SWG6.1: Ecosystem

RHEA Group

SWG6.2: Digital Transformation in Verticals
Engineering (Paolo Roccetti)
Cybersecurity Agency of Catalonia
SWG6.3: Data & Economy

FORTH – Foundation for Research and Technology
Hellas IMT – Institut Mines-Télécom

SWG6.4: Basic & Disruptive Technologies

University of Malaga

SWG6.5: Cybersecurity for Dual Use Technologies

RHEA Group 

Latest WG6 news

Latest WG6 publications

Latest WG6 events

Initiatives launched by ECSO WG6

This working group provides the following opportunities for the cybersecurity industry.


Transcontinuum Initiative

WG6 Collaborations