The European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) signs a Memorandumof Co-operation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.

The European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) – represented by its
Secretary General Luigi Rebuffi – and the Ministry of Digital Transformation of
Ukraine – represented by Georgii Dubynskyi – recently signed a Memorandum
of Co-operation. The Memorandum represents a step forward for the European
and Ukrainian cooperation on a series of issues. In the Memorandum, the
parties commit to support development and to improve coordination between
European and Ukrainian stakeholders.

The European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) and the Ministry of Digital
Transformation of Ukraine have pledged to collaborate in nine priority areas. They
aim to boost the advancement of women’s and experts’ cybersecurity initiatives
and programs within Ukraine, envisioned in the form of a new Women4Cyber
chapter in UA. Their focus also involves facilitating access to training resources,
fostering the growth and expertise of Ukrainian cyber protection specialists. This
point will be accomplished through the exchange of best practices between the
EU and UA cybersecurity ecosystems and through the organisation of events for
Ukrainian start-ups and SMEs (specifically, Cyber Investors Days and Access to
Market events).

Additionally, efforts will be made to foster information exchange regarding
opportunities for Ukrainian enterprises to engage in EU digital programs granting
access to funds for digital issues. The cooperation also envisages the opening of
ECSO’s HR community to the respective Ukrainian counterparts, connecting the
Ukrainian workforce to the EU’s cybersecurity ecosystem and the labour market.
The shared commitment also includes access for Ukrainian CISOs to specially
organised webinars by ECSO’s CISO Community.

Furthermore, the cooperation aims to stimulate the establishment of a network
comprising innovation and competence centres, emphasizing the development of
public and private partnerships. The ECSO-Ukraine collaboration will extend to
supporting scientific and technical cooperation projects, facilitating the transfer of
cutting-edge technologies, and sharing experiences and best practices among
Ukrainian stakeholders.

The Memorandum of Co-operation testifies ECSO’s commitment to fostering a
unified European cybersecurity community, as well as its advocacy for more
European solidarity in cybersecurity.

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