A visual for ECSO's STARtup Award in Bilbao, Spain, in March 2023.

The best European start-up revealed!

After rounds of pitches from the top 11 European cybersecurity start-ups selected during the 2022 series of ECSO’s Cyber Investor Days, a winner of the 2022 ECSO STARtup Award has been selected by the Award Committee. The winner of the 2022 ECSO STARtup Award is Mindflow. This Award is the culmination of two discussion-filled days, where over 200 experts gathered in Bilbao for, the European Cyber Security Organisation’s (ECSO) STARtup Award, jointly hosted by the Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) and the Basque CyberSecurity Centre (BCSC) in Bilbao, Spain.

This prestigious recognition from cybersecurity peers aims to raise awareness, visibility and exposure of cutting-edge European cybersecurity start-ups, contributing to a more cyber-resilient Europe. Out of the 11 selected finalists, Mindflow was chosen as the winner of the 2022 ECSO STARtup Award, which includes Mentorship by one of the members of the European Judging Panel, a one-year subscription to ECSO’s CYBERSECURITY MADE IN EUROPE Label and international recognition and visibility within the European cybersecurity community.

Mindflow is a no-code SaaS platform that enables all cybersecurity and IT professionals to automate their repetitive incident handling, reduce the strain on scarce employee development skills and strengthen cyber governance. According to Mindflow, today, an average of 50% of incidents go untreated and could be automated. The STARtup Award winner enables the secure orchestration of the entire ecosystem in the era of the cloud and the “fusion” and “mesh” paradigms between the various Cyber, IT and business tools.

“Mindflow proved to be a convincing, comprehensible and definitely disruptive European cybersecurity company. Their innovative approach to protecting businesses and individuals from cyber threats is a testament to the importance of staying ahead of the game in an ever-evolving digital landscape. I am glad to congratulate the winning team and the entire French ecosystem on such achievement, as the competition was really tough. The other 10 European start-ups that made it to the ECSO STARtup Award finals demonstrated that they bring a true added value to the European cybersecurity industry. ECSO is proud to organise this yearly competition to foster the European cybersecurity market. As the frequency and severity of cyber threats continue to increase, it is imperative for Europe to bolster its cybersecurity capabilities.”

Said Axel Deininger, Chairperson of the ECSO Board of Directors.

“Spain ranks second in the EU in the Global Cybersecurity Index and we are the fourth most cybersecure country in the world. These figures are the result of our government’s commitment to this sector as a vector for economic and technological growth and progress.”

The Spanish Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence, Carme Artigas.

“In the Basque Country we boast the most advanced cybersecurity ecosystem in Southern Europe, where many start-ups are founded to develop cutting-edge cybersecurity technology made in Europe. For this reason, we recognize the merit and appreciate the effort of people who create start-ups because they do not limit themselves to thinking out of the box, but they have really make possible a new reality that will have an impact in the prosperity of society, as the participants they showed us during this competition.”

Said Director at BCSC Javier Diéguez.

During the ECSO STARtup Award in Bilbao, the cybersecurity community met to attend pitches, engage in topical panel discussions to exchange ideas,best practices, and join multiple networking opportunities. The event provided European cybersecurity businesses with access to finance and market opportunities to boost private investments in the European cybersecurity industry and promote Europe-based cybersecurity products, services and suppliers.

About ECSO’s STARtup Award
ECSO, its members and partners created the Award in 2020 to strengthen cybersecurity investment in Europe and promote the next European cybersecurity champions.

The Award is built around a shared belief that European cybersecurity companies delivering ground-breaking cybersecurity solutions need recognition and investment to scale up and develop. The Award leverages ECSO Cyber Investor Days, the most important cybersecurity business matchmaking event, to source the nominees and discover the most promising European cybersecurity startups and SMEs.

The Award consists of a series of local competitions and the final contest. The winners of each regional event are nominated for the final round and are chosen by local juries according to a set list of criteria provided by ECSO. The nominees come to the final ceremony to pitch to an independent Judging Panel who decides the winner of the STARtup Award.The judges are investors, CISOs of large cybersecurity companies, ECSO representatives and cybersecurity experts.

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