Why security concerns drive customers towards public DNS resolvers

Why security concerns drive customers towards public DNS resolvers A core part of the internet is the Domain Name System (DNS) mechanism. All computers, internet browsers and other applications use DNS resolvers to translate the human readable website names to machine readable IP addresses of computers. Traditionally, these DNS resolvers are provided by the…

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An illustration of a city at night, but the city is made up of numbers.

Funding announced for high-performance and secure DNS resolution infrastructures

Equipping backbone networks with high-performance and secure DNS resolution infrastructures - Works A new funding opportunity is available under the CEF programme: "Backbone networks for pan-European cloud federation (CEF-DIG-2021-CLOUD)". This topic will support the deployment of a recursive European DNS resolver service infrastructure (hereafter DNS4EU) serving socio-economic drivers, public, corporate and residential internet end-users in…

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