New Call for Experts on specific topics on the Digital Skills & Jobs Platform

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The Digital Skills & Jobs Platform is looking for experts on specific topics to draft a new series of papers on highly relevant topics around digital skills and jobs. Check out the Call for Expression of Interest and apply now! The deadline is on 21 March 2022.

The mission of the Platform is to provide high-quality content and information in the area of digital skills to everyone in Europe, from very basic information to advanced. The Platform offers up-to-date insights on any kind of resource and opportunity in an accessible way to new users, while more experienced professionals can benefit from targeted content relevant to their field of expertise.

It is within this context that the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform has launched a call for expression of interests for experts to contribute with the research and drafting of a new series of papers, to be published on the Platform, dedicated to core and highly relevant topics around digital skills and jobs. The papers will cover a variety of perspectives, including business, policy, and various business sectors, target audiences, main technologies etc.

To find out more information on the conditions, selection criteria, requirements and economic support, we invite you to consult the Call document. The deadline for receipt of applications is 17.00 CET on 21 March 2022.

Click here to read more.

Source and photo credits: European Commission

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