Meet ECSO’s new Members

Meet ECSO’s new Members

ECSO is excited to welcome the following companies and organisations into its Membership:

  • Axon Partners Group: under the category of investors, Axon Partners Group has a strong experience both as investor in cybersecurity companies and providing advice for European institutions, governments, authorities and private entities, we have a clear direct business interest in the development cybersecurity market.
  • Pôle d’excellence cyber: Created by the French Ministry of Defence and the Regional Council of Bretagne in 2014, this ECSO Member under the category of region/cluster comes within the scope of the national cyber defence policy, set up by the Ministry of Defence. It aims at developing the Cybersecurity ecosystem, relying on academic, research and innovation companies achievements in the sector. It brings together the major stakeholders of the French cyber community, whether from the industrial or the academic world.
  • Dublin City Council: Dublin City Council is the democratically elected body that governs Dublin City. It is the largest Local Authority in Ireland with 63 elected Councillors. Dublin City Council is the largest Local Authority in Ireland, employing approximately 5,600 staff. The 2016 Revenue Budget amounts to €803 million while the three year Capital Programme 2016 to 2018 amounts to €685.9 million. The Council provides a wide and diverse range of services to the citizens of Dublin City (population in excess of 500,000), to businesses and to visitors to the city. ECSO has welcomed this Member under the category “Sub-national Administrations: Town”
  • Greek Ministry of Migration & Asylum: This National Public Administration offers a wide spectrum of online services to Third Country Nationals residing in Greece, such as residence permit applications and renewals, as well as personal information update. Our website portal is a ‘gate’ to electronic services for applicants and beneficiaries and it also provides all the necessary information, demanding a high level of cybersecurity against potential threats and attacks.
  • Haier Europe: Under the category “Users/Operators”, Haier’s IT Cyber security department goal is to protect the business from any type of attack with continuous assessment and penetration test in order to verify the reliability and the robustness of the company assets and the product on the market.
  • Regione Toscana: This Italian region is involved in the InterregEU CYBER project as a partner with other local stakeholders (public administrations, Universities, research centres, associations), to analyse its strengths and weaknesses, to define active policies and to strengthen the ecosystem for Cybersecurity in Tuscany. Moreover the Directorate manages the cloud data center SCT – Sistema cloud Toscana and collaborates for cybersecurity with National Cybesecurity Agency – ACN.

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