Uncover Cyber CNI’s monthly Cybersecurity Speaker Series

Each last Wednesday, explore a new cybersecurity topics with experts!

The Cyber CNI Speaker series is a free monthly event on the last Wednesday of the month from 17h-18h30, aiming at raising awareness and understanding of cybersecurity topics. The series is co-organized by the Chaire cyberCNI.fr of IMT Atlantique, the Pôle d’Excellence Cyber (PEC), the Région Bretagne, and the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future.

Talk.cybercni.fr wants to foster a continuous dialog between experts from industry and academia and the general public, including individuals, families, companies from small to large sizes, and public bodies – in short everyone, since cybersecurity is relevant for each of us.

Each event consists of an expert talk of about 40 minutes followed by 30 minutes discussion. The events are broadcasted live over Youtube and LinkedIn, enabling global remote participation – including a tool for participating in the discussion.
You are cordially invited to participate. Please save the dates and subscribe to receive email notifications at https://talk.cybercni.fr

• 27.1.2021 Frédéric Julhes (Airbus, FR), Accelerate Cyber training and innovate
• 24.2.2021 Muhammed Usman (USW, UK), Securing Smart Homes: Cross-Layer Second Line of Defence
• 31.3.2021 Sylvain Guilley (Secure-IC, FR), Addressing security breaches through trusted data management
• 28.4.2021 Tony HEDOUX (all4tec.net), Identifying relevant cyber risks quickly with the EBIOS RM method
• 26.5.2021 Cyril Cappi (SNCF, FR), Dare Cybersecurity breakthrough : a opportunity to build sovereignty
• 16.6.2021 Pontus Johnson (KTH), Mutter aller Sicherheitslücken: Arbitrary Code Execution in the Universal Turing Machine
• 30.6.2021 Michel Barbeau (Carleton University, CA), Quantum Security
• 28.7.2021 Hasan Akram (Matrickz, DE), Automative Cybersecurity – How to make millions in a 5.1B$ market?
• 25.8.2021 Carl Denis (Allianz), “Cybersecurity Task Force – a task for volunteers or professionals?”
• 29.9.2021 Julie Newton et al. (European Cyberschool, FR), Cybersecurity education – more important than ever!
• 27.10.2021 Sebastian Labitzke, Jens Koehler (ITK Engineering, DE), “Cybersecurty risk analysis”
• 24.11.2020 Mohammad Hamad (TU Munich, DE), T.B.D.
• 15.12.2021 Oliver Hohlfeld (TU Brandenburg, DE), DDoS Attacks and Booter Services
• 2022 every last Wed… (you can already declare interest!)

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