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Online information and matchmaking day for Digital Europe Programme calls on sectorial TEFs

Online information and matchmaking day for Digital Europe Programme calls on sectorial TEFs

The Commission is holding an information day ahead of the launch of the calls for proposals for AI sectorial Testing and Experimentation Facilities. The goal of the info-day is to raise awareness of the upcoming sectorial TEFs DIGITAL calls and give relevant stakeholders already the opportunity to identify potential collaborators.

In the morning of the info-day, the European Commission will present the concept and process on TEFs and answer questions. After a lunch break, potential proposers will be invited to pitch either their project ideas or the competence they can offer to a consortium in the making.  This will be followed by a poster session where visitors can meet potential proposers presenting their project ideas or competence. More information on the video-conferencing tools available will come soon.

Participation is free of charge but registration will be mandatory (to be opened soon). In case there are too many requests for the pitching sessions, selection will be on a first-in-first served basis.

Click here to read more.

Source: European Commission

Photo credits: Christian Lue

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