Training session on workplace diversity through recruitment: a business issue

ECSO is pleased to invite the Members of its European HR Community to the next training session that will take place on 15 January from 11:00 to 12:00 CET in the form of a webinar.

This training session will deal with the topic of “Gender balance as a business issue” and will be enriched by the expertise of Gillian Arnold, President BCS for the year 2023-2024, who will lead the discussion on the value of diversity with executive teams, the business case for diversity, and strategies for attracting and retaining more senior women in the workplace.

The session will provide an introduction and room for confrontation, based on your experience and remarks. Participants will learn how to have a positive impact in the workplace: shifting the mindset and ensuring that their inclusion efforts are recognised and further implemented.

Tentative agenda: 

  • How to discuss the importance of diversity (and women in leadership) with executive teams; 
  • The business case for diversity
  • How to attract and retain more senior women in your organisation; 
  • Next steps and Q&A. 

If you are interested in joining the European HR Community or, if you are already part of it and want to join the training session, please send an e-mail to Arnaud de Vibraye at[at]

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until 15-01-2024
