Using the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework to sustain the cybersecurity workforce

Join this ENISA webinar on the 5th of April

As an observer in the ENISA skills WG developing this framework, ECSO highlights the webinar “Using the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework to sustain the cybersecurity workforce”, organised by ENISA and taking place on the 5th of April from 10:00 to 12:00 CET. 

The webinar aims to highlight how ENISA is going to sustain the effort to build a cybersecurity workforce, through the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF) and its application.

Attendees walk away with:

Basic knowledge of the ECSF (principles, vision, structure)

Insights on how different organizations are planning to use the ECSF

Information regarding next steps and events related to the ECSF

Click here for more information. 

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until 05-04-2022
