Digital Assembly 2022: A closer look into the digital future

Digital Assembly 2022: A closer look into the digital future

The Digital Assembly 2022, co-organised by the European Commission and the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, will take place 21st – 22nd June 2022 in Toulouse, France as a hybrid event. It will focus in particular on issues related to EU sovereignty and autonomy.

In an increasingly uncertain world, Europe is facing profound questions about how it should position itself to secure its values, address societal challenges effectively, and ensure prosperity and opportunity for our citizens. Technology has proven it can keep our societies and economies going in the most difficult of circumstances, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, whilst holding the promise of major breakthroughs in areas such as personalised health care, smart energy and mobility and precision agriculture, which help tackling climate change. However, increasing reliance on technology has also underscored Europe’s dependencies on other regions for raw materials, energy, and crucial components.

The starting point of the conference will be four workshops, followed by the plenary session, which will feature a range of high-level and inspirational speakers from the digital sector, policy makers, and academia.

Find the full Digital Assembly 2022 programme and information on how to register here.

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until 22-06-2022
