Benelux Cyber Security Summit

Join ECSO on 23 November from 13:30 to 14:10 CET

ECSO is glad to collaborate with the Benelux IT Security Conference, which returns virtually for the second year on 23 and 24 November, as part of a European series dedicated to tackling regional cyber security challenges. Benelux is a CPE certified summit which brings together 100s of IT security experts from a range of industries across the Benelux region, such as Banking & Finance, Food & Beverage, Oil & Gas, Government, Utilities, Manufacturing and Retail.

On 23 November, join ECSO for the Panel Discussion titled “”A Year in Review: Emerging Cyber Trends in 2021″”. We will be discussing the current cyber threat landscape, how cybercriminals are refining their techniques, lessons learned and security best practices to be adopted following the acceleration towards digital imposed by the pandemic, and much more! 

Click here for more information. 

ECSO Members are entitled to a discount. For more information, ECSO Members can contact 

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until 24-11-2021
