European Movement Yvelines: Colloque sur la cybersécurité

European Movement Yvelines: Colloque sur la cybersécurité

ECSO is excited to be speaking at the “Colloque sur la cybersécurité” (conference on cybersecurity) organised by the European Movement Yvelines on cybersecurity and its European future on the 24th May 2022 in Versailles, France. The conference will be held fully in French.

During the event ECSO Secretary General Luigi Rebuffi will be discussing the European approach to cyber security for data protection and citizens together with a European Commission representative for France, as well as participating in a panel discussion on the European cybersecurity dimension.

How do we react from our smartphone to the European level to protect our data? What kind of training do we offer to our young people? The event will cover many questions and answers by local, national and European experts.

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until 24-05-2022
