Visual for the CYBERSEC Summit 2023 event.

CYBERSEC Summit 2023

The CYBERSEC Summit 2023 conference will take place on 4 October 2023 in Krakow, Poland, organised as a side event to the 13th edition of the Cyber Commanders Forum by the Polish Cyber Defense Forces Component Command.

ECSO is pleased to announce that its Members receive special offers! Please contact Alexandra Madsen at for more information.

With cyberspace taking on a more prominent place in international conflicts, it is of critical importance to establish secure cyber defense systems among NATO Allies. Therefore, focusing on cybersecurity and cyberconflict, this event will gather influential decision-makers, key experts and stakeholders in the cyber and defense sector, all with the aim of fostering collaboration and the development of cyber-resilient states.

This conference will feature keynote speeches, panel discussions as well as fireside chats on topics such as disarming influence operations, cooperation between private and military spheres, the power of EDTs, and NATO’s cyber posture in times of peace and war. Alongside the insightful discussions, allowing attendees to access information on topics that are not available to the general public, the conference will bring extensive opportunities to network and build valuable business relationships.

Interested parties have three ways of participating:

  • Purchasing an entrance ticket
  • Joining as a panellist
  • Becoming a sponsor

For more details about the event, please visit the event website HERE.

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Date and time

until 04-10-2023
