ECSO launches a Call to Action to the European Cyber Range Community

Defining together the European Cyber Ranges

19 April 2021

ECSO is launching a Call to Action to the European cyber range community (European/national/regional) to unite the different cyber range stakeholders (suppliers, service providers, and end users) around a series of activities that it is envisaging in the cyber range domain.

ECSO would like to identify, gather information about and bring together the European cyber range community and the different European cyber range providers to consolidate the approaches of European cyber range enabled services’ exercise methodologies and concepts, promote and support the development of best practices and guidelines that define the “European Cyber Range”, and help shape the further development of European cyber range solutions.

Proposed activities include as a first step a series of workshops targeting specific interest groups (academia, companies, HR, government,…) to understand what their most important needs and use cases are when it comes to cyber ranges, in order to identify baseline functionalities and develop best practices in choosing and acquiring a cyber range and cyber range enabled services.

As a second step, should sufficient interest, support and resources have been gathered, a European Cyber Range Alliance (ECRA) could be established under the ECSO umbrella that will gather and provide visibility to European cyber range solutions, increasing the coordination of approaches and competitiveness, and making the European cyber range community the reference point for cyber range methodologies, concepts, and best practices. ECRA would aim to develop a catalogue of European cyber range providers to assist in the selection of cyber ranges in relation to different use cases and business domain verticals, creating the European Cyber Range Radar, as well as set up a cyber range and related services brokerage platform allowing end users to express their needs and facilitate matchmaking within the European cyber range community.

You are invited to endorse the Call to Action and register their interest in the forthcoming activities via the Annex as well as share it within your networks.

Register your interest TODAY!

Who should join and why?

• Academia (educators): improve teaching and learning (apply hands-on training)
• Academia (researchers): research new attack detection and mitigation methods, malware emulation, etc.
• Companies: run system and application simulations / test and demonstrate critical capabilities
• Governments: organise large-scale exercises and national competitions
• HR: assess competences through simulations
• Operators: increase cyber resilience / ensure business continuity
• Security professionals: develop cyber capabilities and competences

For any questions, please contact the ECSO WG5 secretariat at

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