ECSO invites to discuss the Commission’s proposal for the creation of a European Cybersecurity Competence Centre and Network

Will the Centre and Network support the making of EU Global leaders and increase competitiveness?

Today the European Commission adopted a proposal for the creation of a European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre and a Network of National Cybersecurity Coordination Centres. According to the new Regulation, the Competence Centre will be responsible for managing EU financial resources dedicated to cyber security under the proposed Digital Europe Programme and Horizon Europe Programme. The envisioned National Coordination Centres will facilitate coordination across different EU countries and regions.

‘The proposed Regulation is a significant step forward towards increasing European Digital Autonomy. The EU needs to coordinate its efforts and the use of its resources if it wants to effectively manage the growing cyber security domain’ – said Luigi Rebuffi, Secretary General of ECSO.

When pooling resources and expertise in cyber security technologies under the proposed framework, it is important to ensure that investments are coordinated at the national and European levels. It should be a joint effort undertaken not only by public administrations and governmental agencies but also by the research community and private sector representatives.

To successfully build up the European cyber security ecosystem, the Commission will have to deal with a diverse ‘Community’ of actors, ranging from national public administrations to industry to research centres and universities, to end-users and operators. Bringing this ‘Community’ together and fostering communication among a wide range of stakeholders will continue to be one of the main goals of ECSO in the upcoming years.

Due to its independent role and its expertise in cyber security industrial policy, ECSO is already coordinating the dialogue within the European cyber security stakeholder community, dealing with different cyber security policy issues and finding common objectives with clear added value for EU capacity-building in this area. ECSO recognises the importance of the Regulation towards enhancing EU cyber security and expresses its readiness to continue working with the Commission in implementing public-private partnership on cyber security.

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