Image of ECSO's 2023 General Assembly panellists in discussion

ECSO Celebrates 20 New Members, Paving the Way for a Stronger Cybersecurity Community in Europe

BRUSSELS, 16 June 2023 — The European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) held its Board of Directors, General Assembly and High-Level Event, uniting a diverse community of enthusiasts and experts committed to European cybersecurity. Together with the approval of the 2022 financial exercise and the 2024 budget, ECSO welcomed a record 20 new members, reinforcing ECSO’s dedication to protecting the digital landscape. The High-Level event showcased Lena Minitch’s impactful presentation on Ukrainian cybersecurity during conflict. Insightful panels on the future of the cybersecurity workforce and emerging tech trends further engaged the community. ECSO’s pivotal role as a driving force for a resilient and secure Europe came to the forefront during this historic gathering.

The meeting, which marked a milestone in advancing cybersecurity in Europe, brought together some of the brightest minds in the industry to discuss, strategise, and pave the way forward for a cyber-secure future. In a morning session filled with anticipation, ECSO’s 2022 accounts and the budget for next year’s exercise were approved unanimously. The detailed and transparent reports of ECSO’s workgroups provided insightful updates on the notable work accomplished in 2022 and offered an exciting glimpse into the projects and initiatives slated for 2023.

Of equal importance, ECSO proudly welcomed a suite of new members, each bringing a unique perspective and expertise to enrich collective wisdom further. The addition of Aikido, Angoka, Anima, Associazione Cyber 4.0, Aware7 GmbH, Binalyze, Bit4id, Cogninn, Cyber Diia Platform, Erium SAS, Gigacloud, GIS, Informa, ISACA, ISSP, KnowBe4, Maltego, MarCySCoE,, and SCSA-UA illustrates ECSO’s growing influence in shaping the European cybersecurity landscape.

A highlight of the afternoon session was a compelling presentation from Lena Minitch, Advisor to Deputy Minister for Cybersecurity of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, George (Yegor) Dubynskyi. Ms Minitch shed light on the challenging circumstances in Ukraine, where both physical and digital conflict mars the cybersecurity landscape. ECSO is committed to supporting Ukrainian cybersecurity professionals and appreciates the valuable insight Ms Minitch provided, further underscoring the importance of ECSO’s work.

The event continued with an introductory note by Axel Deininger, ECSO Chairman and CEO of secunet Security Networks AG, whose leadership has been instrumental in fostering ECSO’s growth and success.

The first panel, titled “Cybersecurity workforce – addressing gaps, preparing for the future”, featured a dynamic conversation between Pascal Steichen, Chairman of the Governing Board of the ECCC and Founder and CEO of Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity; Liliana Musetan, Head of Unit for Cybersecurity at the General Secretariat, Council of the European Union; Eduvigis Ortiz, President Women4Cyber Spain; and Axel Deininger. The panel dissected the current cybersecurity workforce landscape, offered solutions to bridge existing gaps, and envisioned strategies for future preparedness.

Following a networking break, the afternoon session resumed with a second keynote speech by Chris Moret, Senior Vice President at Eviden CyberSecurity (ATOS). His insights on cybersecurity threats and trends provided a fitting segue to the second panel, “Looking at the horizon of cyber tech trends”. This panel consisted of Miguel Angel Cañada, Head of National Coordination Center (NCC-ES) -INCIBE; Eva Fogelström, Director of the Security Research Department at Ericsson; Taco Mulder, CISO and strategies/support for BOSA (Belgian Administration); and Luigi Lenguito, CEO and founder The discussion explored emergent cyber tech trends, analysing their implications for Europe’s digital future.

These events have been a success not just for ECSO but for the entire European cybersecurity community. ECSO continues to foster a dynamic ecosystem of members committed to working together to achieve a cyber-resilient Europe. The richness of ideas and diversity of perspectives showcased today is a powerful testament to ECSO’s pivotal role in defining the future of cybersecurity in Europe.


About ECSO

The European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) is a not-for-profit organisation established in 2016. ECSO unites more than 290 European cybersecurity stakeholders, including large companies, SMEs and startups, research centres, universities, end-users, operators, associations and national administrations. ECSO works with its Members and Partners to develop a competitive European cybersecurity ecosystem that provides trusted cybersecurity solutions and advances Europe’s cybersecurity posture and technological independence.  

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Pedro Duque Saramago

Marketing & Communications Manager

+32 490 42 35 00

About ECSO’s new members:

About Aikido:

Aikido Security scans your code & cloud to show you which security issues and vulnerabilities are essential to solve. We speed up triaging massively by cutting out the false positives and making things human-readable. LinkedIn @AikidoSecurity

About Angoka:

Angoka is an IoT security company that secures Smart Cities and Smart Mobility. They provide quantum-resilient solutions for protecting device identities and machine-to-machine communications. LinkedIn @AngokaCyber

About Anima:

Anima is an independent asset management group in Italy, offering investment solutions for institutional investors, companies, and individuals. LinkedIn @ANIMA_Sgr

About Cyber 4.0:

Cyber 4.0 is the Italian competence centre for cybersecurity promoted by the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, to support secure digitisation through knowledge, innovative technologies, and enabling services. LinkedIn

About Aware7 GmbH:

Aware7 is a cybersecurity company advocating IT security technologies. They focus on awareness, pen-testing, information security management systems, and incident response. LinkedIn @awareseven

About Binalyze:

An Estonian cybersecurity startup, Binalyze specialises in digital forensics and incident response (DFIR). Their platform enables the acquisition and processing of digital forensic evidence for incident response investigations. LinkedIn @binalyze

About Bit4id SRL:

Bit4id is a digital identity provider and a qualified trusted service provider under the eIDAS Regulation. They develop a full range of digital identity products and services, from hardware devices to software. LinkedIn @Bit4idItalia

About Cogninn:

A small enterprise in Athens, Greece, Cogninn specialises in AI and virtualisation technologies for Telecom, Internet, and Electronics sectors. They are focused on 6G networking technologies with EU Horizon funding. LinkedIn @Cogninn1

About Cyber Diia Platform:

A non-governmental, not-for-profit public association established in 2022, Cyber Diia unites tech companies, innovators, and experts to build a resilient and safe digital future for Ukraine. LinkedIn @CyberDiiaUA

About Erium SAS:

Erium is a French company specialising in SecOps efficiency, cyber crisis management, and cyber awareness. They provide solutions like BlackNoise for breach simulation and Cyber Investigation for cyber acculturation. LinkedIn @ERIUM_sec

About GIS:

The Global Information Space is an independent community focused on resisting global hybrid threats, including disinformation. They raise awareness, develop collaboration mechanisms, and participate in cybersecurity events.

About Gigacloud:

GigaCloud is a cloud operator providing IaaS and PaaS services. They offer private and public cloud solutions, disaster recovery, infrastructure backup, and virtual desktop infrastructure.

About Informa:

Informa D&B is the subsidiary of Cesce, leading the provision of Commercial, Financial, Sectoral, and Marketing Information of companies and business owners, aiming to enhance the knowledge of clients and suppliers and minimise commercial risk. LinkedIn @informa

About ISSP Service LLC:

ISSP is a private cybersecurity company operating internationally, providing full-cycle professional cybersecurity services. With 14 years of experience, they cover all aspects of cybersecurity from initial assessment to solutions development and implementation. LinkedIn @issp_official

About ISACA :

ISACA is a global professional association and learning organisation for information security, governance, assurance, risk, and privacy professionals. They promote digital trust and provide cybersecurity-related training and credentials. LinkedIn @ISACANews

About KnowBe4:

The world’s largest integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, KnowBe4 was created to manage the problem of social engineering through a comprehensive new-school awareness training approach. LinkedIn @KnowBe4

About Maltego:

A comprehensive tool for graphical link analyses, Maltego offers real-time data mining and information gathering, with easy-to-identify patterns and multiple-order connections between information. LinkedIn @MaltegoHQ

About MarCySCoE:

MarCySCoE is a Romanian centre of excellence for maritime cybersecurity. They organise conferences, summer schools, research projects, and training programs for IT security professionals in the maritime industry.

About is an EU-based firm active in cryptography standards, producing secure chips with quantum-resistant crypto. It contributes to the migration of PKI and other standards towards quantum safety, such as replacing RSA & ECC in ISO/IEC standards with QRC options.

About Scientific Cyber Security Association of Ukraine:

An association dedicated to improving the overall level of cybersecurity in Ukraine, SCSA-UA conducts scientific, research, technical, and educational activities in the field of cybersecurity and related industries. LinkedIn

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