The European HR Community

An ECSO Initiative


ECSO and Women4Cyber are working together to develop a European HR community to help reduce the workforce gap and speed up the hiring process in the cybersecurity industry.

Working together for a strong cybersecurity workforce in Europe

Mission and Objectives

Concrete actions are needed to reduce the workforce gap, to attract young graduates and professionals to a career in cybersecurity, an retain and train talents, and ensure them career paths, to address the skills shortage both in technical and leadership position and support the digital transition.

As part of its overall mission of contributing to European digital strategic autonomy and to the strengthening of Europe’s cyber resilience, the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) is developing a European Cyber HR Community. It is intended to be an expert group of HR professionals to help reduce the workforce gap and speed up the hiring process in cybersecurity in Europe.


In partnership with the Women4Cyber Foundation, we strive for implementation of concrete actions like a European Cybersecurity Job Platform platform, Road2Cyber, which will help you finding more easily the needed experts, post job openings, trainings and access a talent pool and cyber ranges opportunities.

The ECSO HR Community will organise webinars and training sessions dedicated to HR practitioners on best practices and topics on the HR sector.

To be a member of the European HR Community is:

  • Access a network of HR at the EU level
  • Communicate information on HR matters
  • Join monthly update calls on the community and recent activities
  • Receive a monthly digest and news on challenges and EU policies related to skills

For ECSO members :

  • Access to Road2Cyber

Initiative Administration

Profile picture
Nina Olesen
ECSO Head of sector
Arnaud de Vibraye
Junior Manager for Skills & Human Factors
Are you an HR interested in joining our network? Send us a short email with your consent to be added to our mailing list and become a member of the HR Community!

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