Why security concerns drive customers towards public DNS resolvers

Why security concerns drive customers towards public DNS resolvers

A core part of the internet is the Domain Name System (DNS) mechanism. All computers, internet browsers and other applications use DNS resolvers to translate the human readable website names to machine readable IP addresses of computers.

Traditionally, these DNS resolvers are provided by the telecom provider, as part of the internet access connection. However, customers are increasingly turning away from private DNS resolvers and going for large cloud-based public DNS resolvers instead.

Carried out by ENISA, this project supports the work of the NIS Cooperation group in the area of core internet. The 22nd meeting of the NIS Cooperation group is taking place today in a virtual format. The meeting is chaired by France, currently holding the presidency of the Council of the EU.

What are the security concerns driving customers to public DNS resolvers?

Click here to read more.

Source and phot credits: ENISA

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