What is ECSO
The right place to be for cybersecurity in Europe
ECSO was created in 2016 as the contractual counterpart to the European Commission to implement Europe’s unique Public-Private Partnership in Cybersecurity – cPPP (2016-2020). Building upon the success of the cPPP, ECSO is today the unique European cross-sectoral and independent membership organisation for cybersecurity that gathers and represents European public and private cybersecurity stakeholders and fosters their cooperation. Members of ECSO include large companies, SMEs and start-ups, research centres, universities, end-users and operators of essential services, clusters and associations, as well as the local, regional and national public administrations across the European Union Members States and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
ECSO is a proud partner
of the European Institutions
Unique networking opportunities
Years of
Activities covering
the full cybersecurity sprectrum of topics
Building a resilient and strategically autonomous digital Europe for today and tomorrow’s society.
ECSO contributes to Europe’s Digital Sovereignty & Strategic Autonomy and to strenghtening its cyber resilience by:
- Empowering communities and shaping the European cybersecurity ecosystem
- Federating and providing a platform for collaboration for various stakeholders
- Bringing together the private and public sectors, facilitating their dialogue and joint actions