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The European Commission adopts the Radio Equipment Directive Delegated Act on cybersecurity

The European Commission adopts the Radio Equipment Directive Delegated Act on cybersecurity

Today, Friday 29 October, the European Commission has adopted the delegated act on cybersecurity for the Radio Equipment Directive (RED). While it will still go through the European Parliament and the Council of Europe before its entry into force, it will implement new legal cybersecurity requirements for connected devices consumed within Europe’s internal market.

Aimed at establishing regulations for wireless devices/radio equipment in the EU market, RED works to ensure a single market by setting essential requirements on topics like health and safety, electromagnetic computability, and efficient use of the radio spectrum. It also sets regulations on how to govern the space of wireless devices.

The Delegated Act targets specifically the cybersecurity of radio equipment, including elements on data protection and privacy. Subsequently, this addresses the risks associated to the network of connected products that is being formed with the development of the Internet of Things (IoT). Under this act, the cybersecurity of wireless devices is strengthened, adding to the European cybersecurity framework that is being developed.

The EU highlights three main consequences from RED and the Delegated Act

–          Improved network resilience by patching vulnerabilities in wireless devices

–          Protecting consumer privacy by developing further data regulations

–          Reducing the risk of monetary fraud

Building Europe’s Cybersecurity Framework

The RED Delegated Act participates in the broader EU-wide effort to build and strengthen the European Cybersecurity Framework with the inclusion of the single market. Being part of the EU Cybersecurity Strategy, the RED Delegated Act serves to create the foundations for regulations on IoTs and wireless devices which have been sectors that have been a blind spot for the EU so far.

The RED Delegated Act, beyond updating legislation to match current trends, is also an important step in ensuring that consumers’ safety and privacy are able to remain in a society that is increasingly integrated into the online space by wireless devices.

The RED Delegated Act will also be complemented by the European Cyber Resilience Act which will specifically target connected devices through horizontal rules and form the baseline for a strong European single market for connected products. 

Photo credits: Guillaume Perigois, Unsplash

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