An image of a woman looking up at images of euros.

New European funding opportunities are available

New European funding opportunities are available On the 29th September, the European Commission will open several calls for proposal and tenders on cybersecurity under the Digital Europe Programme.  Funding and tenders cover the following topics: Securing 5G Strategic Digital Infrastructures And Technologies Testing and Certification Capabilities Supporting The NIS Directive Implementation And National Cybersecurity Strategies…

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An image of a woman leading a workshop or a meeting in front of an audience.

Towards a harmonised education approach with the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF)

A blog by ECSO Having worked on education, training and skills in its WG5 since 2016, ECSO has seen first-hand the challenges posed by the fragmentation and scattered approaches that exist within cybersecurity today. In this blog post, ECSO reflects on the existing European approaches to education and up-skilling and focuses on ENISA’s European Cybersecurity…

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