Read two new CEPS papers discussing the EU Artificial Intelligence Act

Two new CEPS papers discussing the EU Artificial Intelligence Act

ECSO Member CEPS published two papers discussing the EU Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), proposed by the European Commission in April 2021. The AI Act is an ambitious and welcome attempt to develop rules for artificial intelligence, and to mitigate its risks by regulating a wide range of AI applications, aligning them with EU values and fundamental rights through a risk-based approach.

The scope, instruments and governance framework introduced by the proposal are still being debated and refined by European co-legislators. Both the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament have proposed possible amendments to the regulation, with potentially far-reaching impacts on its overall scope and content. An agreement seems possible by mid-2023, but this will depend on whether the co-legislators converge on key issues such as the definition of AI, the risk classification and associated regulatory remedies, governance arrangements and enforcement rules.

CEPS Paper 1: Reconciling the AI Value Chain with the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act

Read more.

CEPS Paper 2: The AI Act and emerging EU digital acquis

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