Read how ECSO Member TNO fights cybercrime with this new universal cyber language

Fighting cybercrime with an universal cyber language

On cybercrime, police forces have to cooperate a lot internationally because of the physically unlimited nature. The Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), among others, has developed a ‘language’ to make this possible. ECSO Member TNO is one of the parties that is further developing this language CASE, including an extension together with INTERPOL and implementation in the forensic data platform Hansken of the NFI.

An increasing part of our lives takes place digitally. Digital crime (cybercrime) follows this trend. A characteristic of cybercrime is that it is not limited by physical (country) borders: it is just as easy to rob someone on the other side of the world as someone in the same city. When investigating these crimes, police forces often have to work together internationally. Here, the exchange of a lot of (digital) information is of great importance. However, speech confusion remains a problem.

The language CASE (Cyber ​​Analysis Standard Expression) was developed by, among others, the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) and is actively supported by a large number of international organizations. With CASE, digital evidence can be described in an unambiguous way, so that detectives from different countries can work together and have the same information quickly and reliably.

Read more about this universal cyber language here.

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