A visual announcing ECSO's new Members

ECSO promotes cybersecurity in Europe with three new Members

We are glad to welcome three new Members to the ECSO family

ECSO proudly welcomes three new Members:

  • CanaryBit: this new Member is an independent team of specialists passionate about Cyber Security, Cloud and Confidential Computing. CanaryBit enables serene collaboration among businesses and Public Authorities, protecting their digital assets with open-source solutions, and provides access to data, instead of data itself. This Member has joined under the category “SME”. Click here to read more. 
  • CCCI – Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry: The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a private corporate body functioning under special law and is financially independent, free of any influence by the state. The Chamber is funded by its members’ subscription fees and through income generated from a number of services it provides.The CCCI is the union of Cypriot business people, the interests of whom it promotes by submitting to the government and the Parliament the members’ positions on matters in which they are involved, while, through its participation in tripartite bodies and committees, it conveys and promotes the views of the business community. Click here to read more. 
  • Increase your Skills: Increase Your Skills GmbH is a German company based in Leipzig that offers a full-service awareness platform and consulting services in the field of information security and data protection. Founded in 2017, the company has quickly become a major player in the security awareness market and was listed as one of the 100 fastest-growing startups in Germany in 2020. This Member has joined under the category “SME”. Click here to read more. 

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