The ECCC and Luigi Rebuffi

NCCs Networking Day in Bucharest: Building Cybersecurity Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

(Pictured: ECSO’s Secretary General Luigi Rebufi with ECSO Board Member Dan Cimpean at the new ECCC building in Bucharest)

The Network of National Coordination Centres (NCCs) hosted their fourth Networking Day on 7 June 2023 in Bucharest, Romania, with the support of ECSO’s  European Cybersecurity Community (ECCO) Consortium to build a robust European cybersecurity community. The occasion gathered officials from various institutions on both national and European levels to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among European cybersecurity stakeholders.

Under ECSO leadership, the ECCO Consortium was created to support activities needed to develop, promote and foster a resilient Cybersecurity Competence Community.Bringing together officials from various national and European public institutions, the Networking Day is an essential step towards establishing collaboration and knowledge sharing across the different national centres leveraging upon the European Cybersecurity community.

Representatives from the NCCs reported the NCCs’ progress and engagement in the different thematic Working Groups, by sharing the outcome, the status of the related information documents and the following actions, their timeline as well as the cybersecurity initiatives planned in the coming months in their Member States.

Discussions on the Cybersecurity Skills Academy as a starting point for building a framework of cooperation and information sharing were supported by the presentations from the European Commission (EC), the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the NCC-EL.

The ECCC and the EC also presented current and future open funding opportunities from the Digital Europe Programme and the Horizon Europe Programme. Some NCCs’ representatives shared their insights on this topic, along with examples and best practices for SMEs.

Participating attendees got acquainted with all stakeholders’ work, progress and timeline, engaged in lively discussions and found opportunities to work together to build a genuinely European Cybersecurity Community. This occasion is a testament to strengthening relationships within the cybersecurity community across the entire EU.

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