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Lean more about the 2030 Digital Decade policy programme

The European Parliament and the Council of the EU reached an agreement on the 2030 Policy Programme: Path to the Digital Decade. The programme sets up a monitoring and cooperation mechanism to achieve the common objectives and targets for Europe’s digital transformation set out in the 2030 Digital Compass. This concerns the area of skills and infrastructure, including connectivity, the digitalisation of businesses and online public services as well as the respect of the EU’s Digital rights and principles in achieving the general objectives.

To effectively monitor progress, the Commission, together with the Member States, will develop projected EU-level trajectories for each target. In turn, the Member States shall propose national strategic roadmaps, outlining their national projected trajectories and actions to achieve the objectives and targets, including planned regulatory measures and investments.

Progress will be measured with key performance indicators (KPIs) based on an enhanced Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), and evaluated against the developed trajectories in an annual report on the “State of the Digital Decade” that will be presented to the European Parliament and Council. To give a comprehensive overview and analysis of the digital transformation, the report will also review progress made with regard to the Digital Decade targets, objectives, as well as rights and principles.

Member States and the Commission will cooperate together to address areas where progress is insufficient and where there are continuous deviations from national trajectories. At any point, the Commission and Member States may undertake joint commitments and establish multi-country projects to meet the 2030 digital targets.

The Commission shall review the targets by 2026 to take stock of technological, economic and societal developments.

Read more.

Source and Photo credits: European Commission

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