How are you protecting your personal data from phishing and ransomware attacks?

With the EDPS’ (European Data Protection Supervisor) factsheets, you can learn more about how these cyberattacks take place, as well as measures you can take before or after a cyberattack occurs to protect yourself and your data.

Phishing occurs when cyber-attackers trick you into sharing your personal data, by sometimes asking you to provide your usernames and passwords to access online platforms. Ransomware occurs when cyber-attackers take control of your IT systems by using malware or exploiting system vulnerabilities, and then asking you for a payment in exchange for you to be able to regain access to your IT systems, or to prevent the selling or publishing of your personal data.

Both types of cyberattacks often start with a simple email, phone call or private message. Cybercriminals aim to impersonate a real organisation that you may be in contact with regularly, such as your bank or your energy provider.

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Source: European Data Protection Supervisor

Photo credits: Mohamed Hassan

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