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EU-US Cyber Industry Debrief

A EU-US Cyber Industry Debrief will be held on Monday the 30th January, at 15:00-16:30. ECSO will convene with DG CNCT, DIGITALEUROPE and the European External Action Service (EEAS) to address key lessons learned from the EU-US Cyber Dialogue, held on the 15th and 16th December 2022, and discuss ways to improve transatlantic cooperation on cybersecurity.

Confirmed speakers are as follows:

  • Christiane Kirketerp de Viron, Head of Unit Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Policy at DG CNECT
  • Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director General, DIGITALEUROPE
  • Joanna Świątkowska, Chief Operation Officer, ECSO
  • Katarzyna Czop, Cybersecurity Policy Officer, EEAS

The debrief will be held in a hybrid style, with speakers present in person and Members asked to participate online. To request the meeting link, please send an e-mail to Alexandra Madsen: alexandra.madsen(at)

Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl (DIGITALEUROPE) and Joanna Świątkowska (ECSO) will provide opening remarks, followed by a debrief of the Cyber Dialogue by Christiane Kirketerp de Viron (DG CNECT) and Katarzyna Czop (EEAS). Members are then invited to take the floor for an open discussion.

Background information on the 8th EU-US Cyber Dialogue
In a nutshell, on the 15th and 16th December 2022, the 8th EU-US Cyber Dialogue was held in Washington DC. Some key topics discussed were: the EU Cyber Resilience Act, the NIS2 Directive, the US Cyber Incident Reporting Act on Critical Infrastructure Act, the US IoT Labeling Scheme, the Executive Order on Software, and related standardization work. A dedicated session on public-private partnerships was also held, exploring ways to further strengthen the role of the private sector in ensuring the security of cyberspace.

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until 30-01-2023
