An image of a city at night.

IoT webinar – Between R&I and policy

Do you also wonder what the current and foreseen challenges related to IoT cybersecurity are?

If yes, please join ECSO’s IoT Webinar on the 21st February at 14:00 – 16:30 CET.

Focus will lie on the current and foreseen challenges related to IoT cybersecurity at technical level (both from the IoT supply point of view and the IoT adopters’ point of view), and at regulatory level.

The webinar will be organized in three sessions, with the agenda as follows:

  • 14:00 – 14:05 Welcome and introduction to the event
  • 14:05 – 14:30 Presentation of ECSO’s Technical paper on IoT (see HERE)
  • 14:30 – 15:20 Panel I: IoT in the field of research and innovation
  • 15:20 – 15:30 Coffee & Tea Break
  • 15:30 – 16:20 Panel II: IoT in the European legislative framework: CRA, CSA & NIS2
  • 16:20 – 16:30 Concluding remarks

The panels include experts from various fields including academia, industry and regulatory/policy. The following speakers are confirmed:

  • Angela Nicoara, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Art (HSLU)
  • Arthur van der Wees, Senior Attorney at Law, Arthur’s Legal, Strategies & Systems
  • Costanza Pestarino, Junior Manager on Technology, Supply Chain and Strategic Autonomy, ECSO
  • Dr. Antonio Skarmeta, Professor, Universidad de Murcia
  • Jason Mansell Rementeria, Project manager, Tecnalia
  • Roland Atoui, Managing Director, Red Alert Labs
  • Shahid Raza, Director of RISE Cybersecurity Unit, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

We look forward to e-meet you all on the 21st February!

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until 21-02-2023
