Interreg Europe Cyber final event

After almost five years of project, Interreg Europe CYBER comes to an end. Three major barriers encumbering the interregional cooperation among the regional cybersecurity ecosystems within the EU have been identified: lack of coordination between relevant actors, cybersecurity skills gap and market fragmentation. As partner in the project and the main voice of the European cybersecurity industry, the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) has supported Interreg Europe CYBER’s goal in boosting competitiveness of the European cybersecurity SMEs by creating synergies among European Cybersecurity Smart Regions. At its Final Event on the 2nd February 2023 in Brussels, Interreg Europe CYBER will present the achievements, strategic plans developed, good practices exchanged and much more.

Interreg Europe CYBER brings together organisations from seven European countries as listed below:

• Bretagne Développement Innovation (BDI), France – Leading Partner
• Business Institute of the Junta of Castilla y Leon, Spain
• Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Slovenia
• Digital Wallonia, Belgium
• Estonian Information Authority, Estonia
• European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO), Belgium – Advisory Partner
• Kosice IT Valley, Slovakia
• Region Bretagne, France
• Regione Toscana, Italy

The Final Event on the 2nd February, will show not only the progresses made throughout the project, but also will display the wide range of opportunities opened to continue implementing the Partner’s action plans and making a difference in Europe’s cybersecurity ecosystem.

The event will consist of panel discussions focusing on different aspects of the European cybersecurity ecosystem, from the public-private collaboration in the cybersecurity field, to the lack of personnel with such skills, and how this affects the SMEs’ competitiveness. The debates will provide interventions from high level representatives from the Partner’s ecosystems, EU representatives, public authorities, and more.

“ECSO is proud to have been a partner in the five-year Interreg Europe CYBER project and is looking forward to the reactions at the presentation of the results. ECSO welcomes the initiative of creating synergies between the so-called Cybersecurity Smart Regions that aim to boost the competitiveness of cybersecurity SMEs. As the main voice of Europe’s cybersecurity stakeholders, ECSO has for a long time stressed the importance of regions and the role they play in cybersecurity. Regions have the greatest potential to connect technology with end users, assist local SMEs and provide business support and access to innovative technologies. ECSO is therefore delighted for the results of this project to be displayed and is looking for further implementation of the given recommendations.”

Luigi Rebuffi, Secretary General, ECSO

As an unmissable closure of the event, there will be a networking session where attendees will have the opportunity to dig deeper into the action plans of the CYBER Partners, exchange knowledge and/or even discuss possible partnerships.

Finally, with this Final Event of Interreg Europe CYBER, the best of the European cybersecurity industry will be gathered in one place to determine the future possibilities of cooperation among cybersecurity actors, EU bodies and region representatives.

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until 02-02-2023
