ECSO at Cybersecurity@CEPS Summit 2021

On 1 December, join ECSO in the panel “The NIS2 Directive on its way”

ECSO announces its participation in the Cybersecurity@CEPS Summit 2021, taking place on 1-2 December in Brussels and focusing on “Building Cyber Resilience for a Sustainable Post Pandemic Recovery”. 

On 1 December, from 11.00 to 12.00, ECSO Secretary General Luigi Rebuffi will take part in the panel “The NIS2 Directive on its way“, together withrepresentatives from the EU institutions, the private sector, academia and civil society.

The CEPS Cybersummit will be aiming to contribute to the next steps of the EU’s evolving cybersecurity efforts by providing answers to such pressing questions as:

·       How can we build cyber resilience for a sustainable post-pandemic recovery?

·       How is the rapidly evolving threat landscape and the use of new technologies such as AI and quantum computing changing the approach to cyber resilience?

·       And what role could Europe play in global cybersecurity governance to build international support for drawing the line between responsible and irresponsible operations in cyberspace?

ECSO Secretary General Luigi Rebuffi will be chairing the panel composed by Eva Kaili, Member of European Parliament and NIS2 Shadow rapporteur, Jakub Boratynski, Head of the Cybersecurity and Privacy Unit, DG CNECT, Florian Pennings, Director Government Affairs Cybersecurity, Microsoft and Sandra Schmitz, University of Luxemburg.

Click here to read more about the event. 

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until 02-12-2021
