EHR4CYBER Workshop: The need for cybersecurity experts in Europe

EHR4CYBER Workshop: The need for cybersecurity experts in Europe

Are you a professional working in the cybersecurity HR/recruitment sector, or are you involved in the hiring process of your cybersecurity organisation? Then join ECSO’s free workshop on the 7th March from 14:00 to 15:30 CET.

Join your peers from all over Europe to understand the European cybersecurity HR recruitment needs & process, exchange ideas and learn from professionals coming from different companies.

Click here to register.

Ahead of the workshop, we invite you to have a look at EHR4CYBER’s recent survey report which shows some trends in the community when it comes to attracting, recruiting and retaining cybersecurity talent.

Draft agenda

14:00-14:10 Introduction & food for thought (conclusions from the recent EHR4CYBER survey report)

– EHR4CYBER chairs and ECSO secretariat

14:10-14:55 The need for cybersecurity experts: examples from country and company level

– Sara Garcia Bécares – Head of Talent in Cybersecurity at INCIBE

– Rachel O’Brien – Global Talent Acquisition Manager at McAfee

– Dina Vyapuri – CEO and founder of Techfindr

14:55-15:25 Q&A and discussion between all participants

– Moderated by EHR4CYBER chairs

15:25-15:30 Wrap up and next steps

– EHR4CYBER chairs and ECSO secretariat

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Date and time

From: 07-03-2022
