Cybersecurity in Italy: ECSO collaborates with CONFSEC

Cybersecurity in Italy: ECSO collaborates with CONFSEC

ECSO is delighted to participate and sponsor CONFSEC, the most important event on information security in Southern Italy, taking place on 7 and 8 October.

ECSO is delighted to participate and sponsor CONFSEC, the most important event on information security in Southern Italy, taking place on 7 and 8 October.

A part of the initiatives of the European Union Agency for Cyber ​​Security, CONFSEC will gather a wide range of cyber security experts, among which ECSO’s Secretary General Luigi Rebuffi.

ECSO will take part in the round table focusing on Italy’s national recovery plan, which allocates 623 million euro for the creation of new bodies dedicated to IT security and the enhancement of the existing ones. This will be an important opportunity to secure and innovate the Public Administration from different points of view, keeping into account the business aspect.

The event is free of charge.

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until 08-10-2021
