Visual for ECSO's webinar "Demystify the CISO role: CISOs and HR managers combining forces"

Demystify the CISO role: CISOs and HR managers combining forces

ECSO is organising a new webinar in its series dedicated to the role of CISOs and improving collaboration between C-suite cybersecurity professionals and HR professionals. This webinar, “Demystify the CISO role: CISOs and HR managers combining forces”, will be held on 12 July 2023 11:00–12:00 CET with the aim of providing HR managers with a better understanding of the CISO role.

Today’s challenge

More than half of data and cybersecurity breaches stem from human error, often attributed to a lack of competence and awareness. It falls upon the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to establish a robust system that mitigates data breaches caused by human errors, safeguarding the company’s cybersecurity posture. Simultaneously, the HR function plays a vital role as the gateway for new employees, those in transit, and the last point of contact when employees leave. Today, with the escalating cyber risks, HR professionals bear the responsibility of nurturing a security-conscious culture within their company while attracting, hiring, and retaining talent.

Unfortunately, the collaboration between CISOs and HR managers may not always function as well as it could. In today’s landscape where malicious activities and sophisticated attacks on critical cloud infrastructures are more prevalent, a company that implements appropriate IT technical resources and robust HR procedures to combat cyber threats will be le less vulnerable and better prepared to face these risks.

Goal of the webinar

By elucidating, explaining and illustrating how HR practitioners can get involved in the selection of CISOs, and how they can improve the recruitment process of cybersecurity experts, the webinar serves to foster cooperation between CISOs and HR so that they are better able to combat modern risks together. HR managers need to better understand the needs of CISOs. Likewise, CISOs need to communicate their staffing and skills needs.

Therefore, geared towards an open discussion and exchange of views, moderated by the ECSO team and facilitated by an HR community member, the webinar will provide participants with answers to the following questions:

  • How important is deeper cooperation and mutual understanding between CISOs and HR?
  • What can be expected from HR in cybersecurity?
  • What can be expected from CISOs in HR?

The webinar will also provide CISOs with insights into:

  • HR retention strategy; it is imperative for HR managers to collaborate closely with CISOs in order to facilitate career advancement, offer continuous professional training, and establish contingency plans to ensure a seamless transition of responsibilities.
  • Complexity of the unique requirements to hire a CISO and the constant need to keep up-to-date with industry developments.
  • Opportunities to promote an extensive and lasting cross-functional collaboration with multiple departments, such as IT, legal, compliance, finance, and HR to define an employment strategy and teamwork between the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and other departments.
  • Main challenges in HR for hiring C-level executives; CISOs could jointly create a retention and employment strategy and help define requirements for other cybersecurity roles (SOC Analyst, CTI Experts etc.) with the HR Professionals.

This webinar is exclusively for ECSO Members, the European HR Community, ECSO’s CISO Community, and external stakeholders upon invitation. For more information on ECSO Membership, we invite you to visit HERE.

To attend the webinar, we invite you to send an e-mail to Nina Olesen at nina.olesen[at] or Arnaud de Vibraye at[at]

Programme (CET)

  • 11:00–11:05 Introductory remarks by Arnaud de Vibraye (Junior Manager, ECSO)
  • 11:05–11:10 Bringing ECSO’s HR and CISO Communities together by Nina Olesen (Head of Sector, ECSO)
  • 11:10–11:15 HR Introduction (speaker TBC)
  • 11:15–11:20 CISO Introduction by Yiannis Pavlosoglou (Cybersecurity Executive and founder of KIBERNA)
  • 11:20–12:00 Open Discussion and Q&A with the HR Community, ECSO Members and CISOs

To make the webinar as interactive as possible, we kindly ask the HR Community members to prepare their questions in advance.

Future webinars will explore a broader range of topics, including the other 11 job roles outlined in ENISA’s framework and strategies to enhance recruitment processes for these roles.

About the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework  

The European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF) is a practical tool to support the identification and articulation of tasks, competencies, skills and knowledge associated with the roles of European cybersecurity professionals. 

The ECSF summarises all cybersecurity-related roles into 12 profiles, individually analysed into the details of their corresponding responsibilities, skills, synergies, and interdependencies. It provides a common understanding of the relevant roles, competencies, skills and knowledge required, facilitates recognition of cybersecurity skills, and supports the design of cybersecurity-related training programmes. 

More information HERE.

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Date and time

until 12-07-2023
