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Cyber Resilience Act – Draft Standardisation Request webinar

On 27 September 2023 from 11:00 to 12:30 CET, ECSO is organising a virtual discussion on the Cyber Resilience Act exclusively for ECSO Members. This webinar will be dedicated to presenting and discussing the draft Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) Standardisation Request that is now in preliminary consultations.

As part of our commitment to keep our Members informed and empowered in the ever-evolving field of cybersecurity, ECSO organises this webinar to facilitate the exchange of information and insights with regard to the implementation of the CRA.

This discussion is a result of an ongoing collaboration between ECSO and the European Commission as we prepare for the eventual implementation of the Cyber Resilience Act. As such, ECSO will welcome a representative from the European Commission to present the draft CRA Standardisation Request.

By attending, Members can thus not only gain all the latest information about the CRA but also provide their own feedback and views on its implementation and potential challenges. This is therefore an exclusive opportunity for Members to exchange information directly with the European Commission, supporting the institutions in moving forward with the CRA.

Programme (CET time)

  • 11:00 – 11:05 Welcoming remarks by ECSO
  • 11:05 – 11:50 Presentation of the draft CRA Standardisation Request
  • 11:50 – 12:25 Open discussion
  • 12:25 – 12:30 Summary and closing remarks

Are you an ECSO Member and wish to participate in this virtual discussion? We invite you to contact Matteo Mole at matteo.mole(at)ecs-org.eu for the registration link.

This event is exclusively for ECSO Members. For more information on ECSO Membership, we invite you to have a look HERE.

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Date and time

until 27-09-2023
