Atos Cyber Day 2021

Atos Cyber Day 2021

To kick off cybersecurity awareness month, Atos is delighted to invite you to an exclusive event, “Winning the Cyber Race”, to join the conversation online with its top management and experts. 

When cyberattacks can stop a plane from flying, water from being distributed or hospitals from functioning, digital security becomes critical for everyone. Although many governments have taken actions, progress is still too slow to effectively address the growing threat landscape. 

So, what needs to happen next? 

Atos believes that the only way we stand a chance is by sharing knowledge, lessons and practical ways to raise the bar in cybersecurity.

Join Atos CEO Elie Girard and other top experts on Tuesday 5th October to be part of a conversation aimed at enabling all stakeholders to make the next leap and defeat the leading cyber threats.

Click here to register. 

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