European Cybersecurity STARtup Award: meet the winners of Cyber4Growth’s pitch

European Cybersecurity STARtup Award: meet the winners of Cyber4Growth’s pitch

ECSO’s European Cybersecurity STARtup Award aims to increase the awareness and visibility of state-of-the-art cybersecurity companies in Europe, both at European and global level. On 19 October, the two winners were selected at the Cyber4Growth Startup Pitch: Passbolt and Devseis.

Passbolt and Devseis were crowned the two winners of ECSO’s European Cybersecurity STARtup Award, hosted on 19 October by the Cyber4Growth event in Luxembourg.

ECSO’s Award provided startups with the unique opportunity to network and gain access to major market players in the cybersecurity domain, as well as scalability opportunities at European level. 

“Considering that the Europe is leading in terms of personal data protection (GDPR), it is important for startups with personal data driven business models to be integrated in the European environment.”, said Muhammad Umer Wasim, Devseis. 

“To enter the market, my startup needs to validate its business plan and develop reputation and value added business partnerships, and this is exactly what the European Cybersecurity STARtup Award offers through its international platform and networks.”, concluded Muhammad Umer Wasim.

Don’t miss out on the next European Cybersecurity STARtup Award pitch: next stop, Rennes, on 17 November, at the ECW Investor Day.  

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