EU National Telecom Authorities analyse Security Supervision and Latest Security Threats

EU National Telecom Authorities analyse Security Supervision and Latest Security Threats

The EU National Telecom Authorities met in Athens, Greece for the 35th meeting of the ECASEC group. The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity also hosted the 1st Telecom Security Forum on this occasion.

Besides the ECASEC meeting, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) hosted the 1st edition of the ENISA Telecom Security Forum on 13 October. The goal of this event, held in a hybrid format, was to bring together experts from both national authorities and the private sector to exchange views and discuss cybersecurity challenges and good practices.

Launched more than 10 years ago, the European Competent Authorities for Secure Electronic Communications (ECASEC) group serves as a platform for collaboration and exchange of information among the national authorities supervising telecom security in Europe. The ECASEC group also develops and endorses guidelines for telecom security authorities on how to implement different aspects of EU telecom security policy.

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Source and photo credits: ENISA

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