What’s your take on the requirements of EU Regulations?

The European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) is launching a Europe-wide, cross-sector survey titled “EU Cybersecurity Regulations Survey: Streamlining Regulatory Obligations”. The aim is to gather insights from cybersecurity practitioners to develop more efficient requirements for EU regulations. The survey is open for everyone until 1 October 2024. 

Many companies in the EU are facing difficulties in understanding the often overlapping requirements of existing and upcoming EU cybersecurity regulations. A common challenge is the need to report cybersecurity incidents to multiple authorities, such as those under NIS2, CRA, and GDPR. This issue is even more pronounced for SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises), which are disproportionately affected due to limited resources for tracking policy developments and preparing accordingly.

The survey comes at a time when enhancing the competitiveness of European companies is a key priority for the upcoming European Commission, as highlighted in the recently published Draghi Report. Additionally, reducing compliance burden for companies affected by the cybersecurity policies is a central political objective of Poland’s upcoming EU presidency, set to begin in January 2025.

Outcomes of this survey will be officially submitted to the Poland’s presidency and will serve as an input for high level political discussions with ECSO participation. It is crucial to identify the specific challenges you are encountering on your path to compliance. Only with input from practitioners can policies be developed fairly, and clear guidelines introduced to simplify the process for all companies.

The survey results will be shared with the broader European community and conveyed to the relevant policymakers in the form of recommendations and actions points. Deadline for submissions is 1 October 2024.

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