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EU Commission announces €258 million funding for digital connectivity infrastructures

The European Commission’s proposals fall under the CEF Digital programme

With a planned budget of €258 million, the calls aim to improve digital connectivity infrastructures, in particular Gigabit and 5G networks, across the Union, and contribute to Europe’s digital transformation.

The Commission will co-fund actions aiming to equip Europe’s main transport routes and providers of key services in local communities with 5G connectivity, as well as actions to deploy or upgrade backbone networks based on advanced technologies.

The calls will also focus on infrastructure connecting federated cloud services, backbone infrastructures for digital global gateways, such as submarine cables, as well as preparatory actions to set up operational digital platforms for transport and energy infrastructures across the EU. This follows the adoption of the first Work Programme for the CEF Digital in December 2021 that earmarked more than €1 billion in funding for the period 2021-2023.

Click here to read more. 

Source and photo credits: European Commission 

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