ENISA introduces the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework

ENISA introduces the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework

Designed to contribute to building a competent cybersecurity workforce, the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework was announced on the 21st September by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA). ECSO also warmly welcomes ENISA’s final version of the ECSF and its user manual, and is proud to have contributed to such document.

TO ADD maybe you could just add something about me participating in a panel where I presented the added value of the ECSF for the European cybersecurity community and how ECSO will apply it (mapping to the Minimum Reference Curriculum and using the ECSF as taxonomy for the W4C Academy, amongst other things). I don’t know how much space there is so I will let you add as little or as much as possible. Thanks!

With a total of 12 cybersecurity related roles identified, the framework explores the associated responsibilities, skills, synergies and interdependencies associated with each of these profiles.

The framework also supports the design of cybersecurity related training programmes. Supported by a user manual – standing as a practical guide based on examples and use cases – the framework opens a window to the different ways it can be used.

The European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF) is the result of the joint effort of ENISA and the ENISA Ad-hoc working group on Cybersecurity Skills Framework, formed by 17 experts from 14 Member States. The first draft was presented to the public in April 2022, in addition to being discussed with several research projects – including the 4 EU pilot projects that prepared the way for the European Cybersecurity Centre and Competence Network and an Erasmus+ project on skills-Rewire.

Click here to read more. 

Click here to view the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework Role Profiles.

Click here to view the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF) – User Manual.

Source and photo credits: ENISA

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