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ECSO’s Policy Brief: “Navigating Cybersecurity Policy in the EU: A call for new legislators” 

In the lead-up to the 2024 EU elections and the establishment of a new European Parliament, the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) has circulated a brief to policy advisors covering cybersecurity and digital policy. This document serves as a summary of the most influential EU cybersecurity policies adopted during the last legislative term. It underscores the need for ongoing political support in cybersecurity initiatives, highlighting its importance in enhancing the digital landscape of the EU. 

The overarching objective of the brief is to consolidate ECSO’s commitment to maintaining a cooperative relationship with institutions at both the European and National levels. ECSO extends an open invitation for constructive dialogues on the urgent cybersecurity matters currently occupying the forefront of discussions. Eager to facilitate understanding, ECSO welcomes engagement with stakeholders keen on elucidating the diverse political stances surrounding these issues, providing a balanced perspective that contributes to an informed decision-making process.  

ECSO strongly believes that forging alliances and partnerships is intrinsic to advancing the cybersecurity agenda of the EU and of its citizens. This proactive stance exemplifies ECSO’s dedication to steering the collective course toward a secure and resilient digital future for the European Union. 

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