ECSO’s Policy Brief: “Navigating Cybersecurity Policy in the EU: A call for new legislators” 

In the lead-up to the 2024 EU elections and the establishment of a new European Parliament, the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) has circulated a brief to policy advisors covering cybersecurity and digital policy. This document serves as a summary of the most influential EU cybersecurity policies adopted during the last legislative term. It underscores the need for ongoing political support in cybersecurity initiatives, highlighting its importance of a bipartisan approach.  

The overarching objective of the brief is to consolidate ECSO’s commitment to maintaining a cooperative relationship with institutions at both the European and National levels. ECSO extends an open invitation for constructive dialogues on cybersecurity matters currently occupying the forefront of discussion. Eager to facilitate understanding, ECSO welcomes engagement with stakeholders keen on exploring the diverse political stances surrounding these issues, contributing to an informed decision-making process.   


In the digital and cyber domain, today EU countries face serious external threats regardless of some of the differences that traditionally shield them from the risk of conflict, such as geography, political leanings, and economic standing. They also face internal challenges to effectively manage the cybersecurity ecosystem setup for defence and resilience. To advance the level of cybersecurity maturity across the Union and in each Member State, it is fundamental to rely on strong bipartisan political will, supported by sectoral professional expertise. In line with the transversal nature of cybersecurity, the legislative framework developed over the last decade advances the key political priorities of multiple different parties. Collaboration between all stakeholders is highly needed to safeguard EU citizens and countries from cyberattacks. For these reasons, we call on all new legislators to endorse existing cybersecurity initiatives, defend and advance European values and interests, support public-private cooperation, and engage with cybersecurity professionals and experts. 

Calls to action 

  • Endorse existing cybersecurity initiatives and support their swift implementation with bipartisan collaboration. 
  • Defend and advance European values while fostering a thriving European cybersecurity industry. 
  • Encourage public-private cooperation to address cybersecurity challenges effectively. 
  • Engage with cybersecurity professionals and experts to ensure evidence-based policymaking. 

Read the brief here.

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