ECSO new board members visual

ECSO’s General Assembly Welcomes 11 New Members to the Board of Directors 

Following ECSO’s Board of Directors, General Assembly and High-Level Unit held on 14 June, it is with great pleasure that ECSO announces the results of the Board of Directors elections. By welcoming 11 new Board Members that bring their unique expertise to the table, ECSO takes a step forward in strengthening European cybersecurity. 

ECSO wishes to extend its warm welcome to our new board members as they bring their invaluable expertise, vision, and passion to our organisation. Our newest board members are as follows: 

Public Administrations (2 seats – 3 years) 

  • RIA (Information System Authority, Republic of Estonia) – Mart Hiietamm 
  • INCIBE (National Institute of Cyber Security – Spain) – Miguel Angel Cañada 

RTOs & Universities (1 seat – 3 years) 

  • CEA (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique) – Nizar Touleimat 

SMEs (1 seat – 3 years) 

Regions (1 seat – 1-year mandate) 

Users & Operators (1 seat – 3 years) 

Large Companies (3 seats – 3 years) 

Associations (2 seats – 3 years) 

These Members possess a wealth of experience in their respective fields, which will undoubtedly contribute to our collective success and continuous growth. We are confident that their diverse perspectives and strategic insights will further elevate our organisation’s performance and help us navigate the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape. 

The addition of the 11 experts above to ECSO’s Board of Directors is a great accomplishment not only to ECSO, but to the entire European cybersecurity community. With their support, we continue to foster a resilient and strategically autonomous digital Europe for all. 

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